Agence eSanté presents its eSanté services to doctors

News Agency

The Agence eSanté organised two information meetings to present its innovative services to more than 80 healthcare professionals

Têtes de personnes qui assistent à une réunion

At these meetings, which took place on 11 and 12 July 2023 at the Centre Hospitalier Emile Mayrisch and the Hôpitaux Robert Schuman in Kirchberg respectively, the electronic health record (Dossier de Soins Partagé - DSP), the electronic vaccination record (Carnet de Vaccination Electronique - CVE) and future ePrescription services were presented. The DSP was highlighted for its ability to facilitate the secure sharing of medical information between healthcare professionals, promoting optimum coordination of care.

Similarly, the benefits of the CVE, which offers patients and healthcare professionals easy access to information on vaccinations, were demonstrated. This initiative plays a crucial role in promoting public health and managing vaccination data.

The Agence eSanté shared information about its future ePrescription services, aimed at facilitating and securing the process of prescribing biological analyses, medicines, medical imaging and nursing care. These services will help to reduce potential errors and improve the efficiency of prescriptions, for better quality and safer care.

The meetings also included an interactive question-and-answer session, enabling participants to clarify the technical and operational aspects of the services. To round off the event, a cocktail reception was organised for a convivial gathering of healthcare professionals and the Agency's experts.

Additional sessions are planned for the north and centre of Luxembourg after the summer, in order to reach as many healthcare professionals as possible and facilitate access to the Agency's digital services and solutions, thereby encouraging their use. This will also enable more healthcare professionals to benefit from these advances and take part in more in-depth discussions for an even more efficient and inclusive healthcare system.

Click here for more information on eSanté services.

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