Your access point to available digital healthcare services

Homme qui lève son index

Why activate my eSanté account?

Whether you are a patient or a health professional, by activating your eSanté account, you have direct and secure access to the various digital health services.

Femme médecin qui lève l'index

What services are available?

  • Electronic health record (DSP - Dossier de Soins Partagé)
  • Electronic Vaccination Record (CVE - Carnet de Vaccination Electronique)
  • ePrescription (in pilot phase)
  • Electronic reimbursement of bills
  • Cross-border exchange of the Patient Summary, a "MaSanté@UE" service
  • Teleconsultation (only available to health professionals)
  • Secure messaging (only for health professionals)
  • Primary Care Physician Tool (only for health professionals)

More about the eSanté services

doigt qui touche écran digital

How do I activate my eSanté account?

You need the personal activation code, which was sent to you by mail by the Agence eSanté.

You have your activation code?
  • Click here if you are a patient
  • Click here if you are a health professional

You don't have your activation code?
Contact our helpdesk :
  • by phone : (+352) 27 12 50 18 33
  • by email :
