Various experts spoke at this event, which took place in 4 languages (French, English, German and Spanish) under the theme "Anonymisation in the digital age: myth or reality?” After a welcome by the Minister of Social Security, Mr Claude Haagen, and an introduction of the context by Mr Hervé Barge (CEO of the Agence eSanté), Professor Yves-Alexandre de Montjoye from the Imperial College of London brought his analysis and expertise around the issues raised by this relevant and sensitive topic. This was followed by a presentation on the use of a DataLake to transform the DSP into a smartDSP by Dr. Raffaella Vaccaroli (Deputy COO, Agence eSanté).
The legal aspects of this topic were presented by Attorney Michel Molitor and Attorney Virginie Liebermann (Cabinet Molitor) and Mr. Julien Sassella (Data Protection Officer, Agence eSanté). In her capacity as a Member of the European Parliament, Ms Tilly Metz spoke about the European political vision in the context of the development of the European Health Data Area and in view of the RGPD.
This was followed by a presentation from Mr Emmanuel Bacry (Scientific Director of the Health Data Hub "HDH" France) on the possibility of processing for secondary use and by a presentation from Ms Mireille Zanardelli (IGSS Luxembourg) on the protection of individual data. Ms Danielle Becker-Bauer (Vice-President of the Luxembourg Pharmacists' Union) closed the meeting with a conclusion pointing out the central role of anonymisation in our digital age.
The more than 90 people from 9 different countries who were able to attend, in person or by videoconference, this first conference organised by the Agence eSanté, will certainly follow with great attention the progress that will be made at national and european level in the field of anonymisation of health data aimed at the continuous improvement of the medical care of patients.
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The presentations have been recorded and can be viewed by clicking here.