Below are some of the key points covered:
Advances in the digitisation of healthcare in Luxembourg: Mr Hostert began by giving an overview of the advances in the digitisation of healthcare in Luxembourg. He emphasised that although progress has been made, there is still work to be done to achieve optimum digitisation. But Luxembourg is firmly committed to using technology to optimise healthcare delivery.
The electronic healthcare record (DSP – Dossier de Soins Partagé): One of the important aspects of this interview was the electronic healthcare record (DSP). Mr Hostert explained the benefits of the DSP for patients and healthcare professionals and highlighted some key figures, including the fact that the closure rate is less than 0.2% and that the average number of consultations is around 48,000 per month. He also spoke of the potential of the data contained in the DSPs, which, if anonymised, would enable national statistics to be compiled, making this service a public health tool.
Direct Immediate Payment (PID – Paiement Immédiat Direct): Another topic discussed during the interview was the Direct Immediate Payment (PID), which aims to simplify the payment of bills of medical costs and gives insured persons the advantage of no longer having to pay the full amount of the services provided, but only the part they are responsible for. Mr Hostert spoke of the central role played by medical practice software publishers in the roll-out of this service, and the financial incentives put in place by the Agence eSanté to encourage them to embrace this digital transition.
The future of digital prescription: Lastly, Mr Hostert spoke about the progress made in setting up the future e-Prescription service and the final stages to be completed before the service can become a reality.
► The full interview, in Luxembourgish, is available by following the link below: