For its 2022 edition, ICT Spring organised a half-day dedicated to HealthTech with the central theme "Beyond Borders".
The European Commission's Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety, represented by Mr Kustra-Mano, presented the main lines of the european e-health strategy and the "EU4Health" programme, as well as the specifications of the european regulation aimed at setting up the European Health Data Space.
This was followed by a round table discussion, moderated by our colleague Daisy Smet, on the theme "Digital transformation in health: where does the EU stand? Point of view of some European e-health agencies". In this case, it was the agencies of Portugal, France and Luxembourg, represented respectively by Isabel Meneses, Camille Cloître and our colleague Heiko Zimmermann, who first gave an overview of the current state of deployment of cross-border health data exchange services. Subsequently, the three representatives and Mr Kustra-Mano exchanged (via video conference) on the extension of the range of e-health services planned under the EU4Health programme. They also gave their vision on how the European Health Data Space will help people take control of their own health data, and contribute to better healthcare, research and innovation.
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