Annual report of the national identity vigilance unit

News Agency

The Agence eSanté's identity vigilance unit, which also acts as the national identity vigilance unit, has drawn up its annual report for 2023

Rapport annuel de la Cellule nationale d’identitovigilance

The purpose of this document is to present the state of quality standard of the Patient Identification Repository and the actions taken by the eSanté national identity vigilance unit to improve the quality and, consequently, the security of patient identification.

As a reminder, the patient directory is one of the core services of the eHealth Platform, with the aim of sharing a common patient identification repository so that patient documentation is filed in their correct respective files in the different systems used by healthcare professionals.

The report is intended for members of the national identity monitoring committee, made up of :

  • health establishments connected to the directory
  • representatives of the Ministry of Health and Social Security
  • the management of the Agence eSanté
  • the Centre Commun de la Sécurité Sociale (Social Security Centre)
  • the Caisse Nationale de Santé (National Health Fund)
  • the Fédération des Hôpitaux Luxembourgeois (Federation of Luxembourg Hospitals) and their technical advisor LUXITH (LUXembourg IT for Healthcare)

It provides an overview of the events that occurred in 2023 and the identity vigilance indicators. It also enables the committee to decide on updates to the national health identity vigilance policy.

To download the annual report, please click here. (in french)