The Electronic Health Record: an essential support for Parkinson's patients

News Agency

To mark World Parkinson's Day (11 April 2024), Frédéric Markus, Deputy COO at Agence eSanté, gave an interview to ParkinsonNet

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In this interview, Frédéric Markus highlights the concrete benefits of the Electronic Health Record (DSP) for Parkinson's patients. "By enabling patients' medical information to be shared securely, the DSP facilitates continuous, personalised monitoring throughout the patient's care pathway," he says. This continuity of care is essential in the management of Parkinson's disease, which often requires a multidisciplinary and progressive approach.

He also emphasises the collaborative aspect of the DSP, which actively involves patients in managing their own health. "Because patients have access to the medical information stored in their DSP, this allows them to become full partners in their care team and to be actively involved in decisions concerning their treatment," he says. This active involvement of patients promotes autonomy and increases their sense of control over their illness.

To read the full interview, click on the following link: Interview with Frédéric Markus (french)